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August: the month dedicated to YOUTH DIALOGUES

Writer's picture: Esai En RoiEsai En Roi

August is dedicated to YOUTH DIALOGUES that will take place in Thessaloniki, with host ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia Thrace.

The most important event of the 7-day youth camp will be a debate of the hosted youth with policy makers of Greece. The debate will be online @youthcouncil21 facebook community.

Below is shortly presented the NGO's context and history.

Esai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace is a Cultural Association activated in the Fine Arts era, in Cultural conscience & Cultural issues related to "Quality of Life" and "Sustainable Environment" development. EER is strongly connected to Fine Arts Innovation, Research & Education and supports youth activism via creativity and arts. Through regular artistic activities and festivals EER facilitates Artists’ sociability and Cultural Heritage vigilance. EER cooperates with public authorities and private associations or companies sharing common aims or interests. EER was a non-formal group of artists between 1997-1999. Since 2013 EER festivals have been acknowledged for their importance as to be nominated “under the aegis” of Ministries of Tourism, Infrastructure & Transport, Culture & Sports, Education, Foreign Affairs & Interior (Macedonia -Thrace Region). EER Activities EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environment, Social Solidarity and Quality of Life aiming to the quality EER services development linear to contemporary social needs and ICT standards; EER participates in research & innovation projects relevant to Sports and Fine Arts in education; health; ecosustainability; elite performance; innovation; social solidarity. For more about our Annual Activities, please visit our official website under the label SERVICES > “Projects”.


We strongly believe that quality of life could be generated through sharing the opinion that «everybody is as important as to influence community’s social status and cultural development». Youngsters are from their nature the most appropriate age-group as to attract the entropia of a better world. They just need guidance and support to learn how to use their power and how to build their self-protection through setting personal limits according to their needs and desires without annoying or disturbing the common «good». Thus, EER supports Youth Actions and Young Artist Activities claiming their importance in Social Life via Arts & Physical Rehabilitation in Society.


Our volunteers are mainly young people, who are seeking opportunities for personal development or they are interested in gaining professional experiences in the sector of performing and visual arts. Some of our members are also interested in supporting activities of social interest or they have a minority social profile (youth with fewer opportunities, learning difficulties, mild mental disorders, disabled, etc). EER is interested in projects supported from the European Solidarity Corps, KA1, KA2, kA3 erasmus+ and Creative Europe Projects.


EER has an experience of over 20 years in project management of short term projects. During the last three years, we started on coordinating more complex activities with annual duration. Our activities are under the aegis of Ministry of Interior (Sector of Macedonia - Thrace) & for some cases, with the support or quality accreditation of Ministry of Education & Religion & Ministry of Culture & Sports. EER is: an official member of the International SKILLMAN Network in the educational sector as an Area Coordinator; subscribed in the Portal of Cultural Associations of the Ministry of Culture; accredited with the badget of Socially Responsible Organization 2020 in Sports era; member of the "Youth Work Today" Community of Professionals; ESC & EVS Accredited Organization; member and supported of the Life. Beyond Funding Campaign. EER has been awarded in 2021 with the Best Health and Wellness Award via Arts and Sports (by GHP International) and in 2022 has got official membership in Global Waste Cleaning Network.


EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environments and Quality of Life aiming on upgrading the quality of its services linear to contemporary needs and ICT standards. Some of the most important and regular affiliated partners are Institute of Nutritional Research & Education (support in QoL activities), Konstantinion Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology (EER implication in Research), Children’s Creativity Center KDAP PLATON, Club of Sign Language Distribution, etc.


EER is participating in research projects related to Fine Arts and a) education, b) health, c) elite performance, d) innovation and e) disabled.EER SOCIAL MINORITY ACTIVITIESEER is supporting Social and Special Population Minorities to participate in Art-Creation & Sport activities with a manner that promotes the positive rather the negative options and perspectives of their social identity. Disabled communities participate in the annual festival of inclusive culture, where we are one of the four main coordinators. Moreover, disabled youth 15-25 years old are able to participate to activities of talent promotion in the field of arts and all of our activities as active citizens offering their services, promoting our activities or participating in them (

Our upcoming festival, focusing to creative minds with much of innovation and contemporary fast-track skills and competences upgrades in fine arts is the handiedancefestival


EER core has only one department concerning professionalism and career practice of youth. That is the EER Department of Dancetheater. Since 1997 is EER regularly producing dance-theater and dance performances, cooperating with several dance-companies, performers, choreographers, directors, musicians, scenography designers and technical assistants. The productions concern and deal with Greek social social topics or Greek culture and tradition. Moreover, since 2004 EER implements young artists' nights and since 2017 screening tests of young talents in Fine Arts (


EERcomt is located near to a former military camp, now on, a park without clear legal identity; nowadays it is claimed by many public and private bodies, which are arguing about its final formation. WE are trying to promote the idea of developing the area to one of the largest city-parks and to promote this idea across the citizens where the green is less and the pollution elevated. Our planned activities are sports & artistic events and campaigns about the park and its hidden treasures! Since Autumn 2019 we are trying to include those activities to ESC. We also started on claiming our participation to several local Eco-campaign activities of PavlosMelas Municipality of Thessaloniki Region (in which region we belong).


EERcomt has to show very few regular Outdoor activities and more rarely Exhibitions were our Members have the chance to expose their sport or artistic talent through team work or independently.


EERcomt is supporting her own sector of Publishing. The publications are open to public and are related to EERcomt actions or aims.


  • Active Eco Citizenship: Arts and Sports in benefit of quality of life and Sustainable Environment. Local community sets new elements and promote the local parks and hidden treasures of the city.

  • KAIZEN C for Health Engagement of social minorities in health and fitness training programs; enrollment in preparation and implementation of social solidarity events. The activities are mainly implemented in outdoor environments.

  • Maximize Arts and Creativity A club dedicated to enrich the knowledge, boost the creativity and enhance the personal identity of individuals with or without a less opportunities profile. The activities are mainly implemented in outdoor environments.




+30 2314 042 342

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