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Rethinking Youth Project: UDHETIM I LIRE is the NGO of the month (December 2022)

Writer's picture: Esai En RoiEsai En Roi

UDHETIM I LIRE is the next organization which presents several information about Albanian youth in local and regional level and not only!

SYTEV is stated in Durres, a great cultural and touristic center, that it really worths to visit.

Hereby you can download the presentation of the specific NGO:

General Information The authorities of the Society “Free-Travelling” are : 1. The executive director. 2. The board of directors. The association is financial independent . Her sources are taken from: -Dues and gifts -Activities and Services - Applications for funds -Publications. We have experience in local and international project such us Erasmus + projects. Some of our partners are: Durres Region, Durres Municipality, Shijak Municipality, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Bulgarian Development Aid, REC (Recourse Environment Center), IDM (Institute for Democracy Mediation). Also we are part of other networks such us: National Youth Congress, Earth Day Network, Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform, URI Europe, Skillman etc. Since 2018 we have the only one Multi functional Youth Centre in Durres.

Mission and Objectives THE MISSION: The Association "Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare" is an organization established in Albania with the focus on tourism, youth, environment, rural development, good governance, culture, voluntarism, and human rights promotions. This association operates in Durres. The mission of the Association “Udhetimi i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare” is carried out by: 1. The advocacy 2. The Research 3. The Information and Experience exchange 4. Partnership and Network 5. Lobbying THE OBJECTIVE 1. The Implementation of effective instruments of cooperation between members, to be a social and organized exponent in all the tourist sector of the cultural heritage. 2. Take initiatives that set in motion and make active the Italian tourism and other countries, in outgoing and in incoming. 3. To be the legal representative and trade union between the members and protect their interests in economic, professional and cultural terms, through all the institutional, legal and social forms (at local, national and international level) and to show ability to achieve this objective. 4. The promotion, formation and the further development of the subjects that are members of it.

Main Projects / Activities PROJECTS:

  • 1.05.2017 – 31.10.2017 “Active citizen in monitoring and increase good governance in Shijak Municipality” under 1 st Round of CIVILISC "Anti-corruption and capacity building" implemented by IDM, financed by BE. August – October 2017 “Sfinksi 2017” financed by Durres Municipality.

  • 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2018 “Youth Eco Act” under Operational Grants of the Senior II Albania Program, implemented by Regional Environment Center (REC) in Albania financed by Embassy of Sweden in Tirana.

  • 01.02.2018 – 30.06.2018 “Clean Today - Healthy Tomorrow” financed by Raiffeisen Invest. 01.04.2018 – 31.03.2019 - “Strengthening the capacities of disability organizations in Durres and raising the right to accessibility with all local stakeholders”. In partnership with Fondacioni "Se bashku"/Together Foundation, financed by USAID.

  • 05.04.2018 – 31.10.2019 - Network member of Synergies for Green Growth Initiative – Energising the Impact of Innovation in the Mediterranean, SYNGGI project within INTERREG MED Program co financed by European Regional Development Fund.

  • 05.09.2018 – 30.11.2020 – Technical support for “Local context analysis for Durres port system” for the project Integrated and Sustainable Transport in Efficient Network – ISTEN, within INTERREG Adriatic - Ionian Program. 15.08.2018 – 31.12.2019 External expert for support Regional Council of Durres in the risk mapping of EUSAIR coast, assisting in setting up the I-Storm network, for the project “Integrated Sea sTORm Management Strategies” I-STORM, within INTERREG VB Adriatic - Ionian Program.

  • 01.06.2019 – 01.06.2020 “Youth Guide for Durres” financed by Durres Municipality and UNDP, within ReLOaD Program.

  • December 2019 – December 2020 “Composting on farm – for Mitigation of Climate Changes”, financed by Bulgarian Development Cooperation.

  • ERASMUS + PROJECT: July 2018 – July 2019 partner in Erasmus + project “Youth Hand in Hand for Clean Seas" with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Youth and Sports Directorate.

  • May – December 2019 partner in Erasmus+ project : 2019-1-PL01-KA105-064372, Green Up! with Chrześcijańska Służba Charytatywna Oddział Dolnośląski, Wroclaw, Poland. June – November 2019 partner in youth exchange “Pop Up Arts - Balkan” with EsaienRoi, Thessaloniki. November 2019 – November 2020 partner in Erasmus + project “Trendsetters”, with KAS Youth Hub, England. June 2020 – June 2021 partners in Erasmus + project “Mirror, mirror, tell me how the sea is going” with Auberge de Jeunesse 17 AJ 17.


1. Public awareness activity for the Earth Day on 22-rd of April 2016 in collaboration with Durres Municipality and Regional Educational Directory.

2.Photo exhibition “Durres 2016” with students of high schools of Durres Region, organized in the Hall of Culture Palace in Durres, in collaboration with Durres Municipality and Regional Educational Directory.

3.Painting Exhibition “Talent 2016” with students of professional high school Jan Kukuzeli organized in the Hall of Culture Palace in Durres, in collaboration with Durres Municipality and Regional Educational Directory

4.Training Package for Leadership, Mediation, and Network with students of the University Aleksander Moisiu, Durres.

5.Training Package for Leadership, Mediation, and Network with in collaboration with Association “Mirësia” Durrës.

6.Tour in archeological sites in Durrës with young orphans of city.

7. Photo exhibition “Sustainable Tourism 2017” with students of high schools of Durres, organized in the Gallery “Nikolet Vasia”, in collaboration with Durres Municipality and Regional Educational Directory.

8. Round Table about the negotiation of Albania with EC – youth role in this process, organized in Municipality Council of Durres - in collaboration with National Youth Congress and Durres Municipality.

9. Conference: ''A step together forward cooperation” within the YOUTH Resolution, organized in the Palace of Culture in Durres - in collaboration with National Youth Congress and Durres Municipality.

10. Mobility Week 2017, (17 – 22 September) in collaboration with Durres Municipality and other NGO in Durres under supervision of the EU Office in Tirana.

11.Essay competition “Leadership in civil society” with students of Albania and Kosovo Universities, in collaboration with Leadership Development Association Albania & Kosovo, You Care and National Youth Congress. (24 Sept – 07 Oct 2017).

12. Manual on active citizenship, a guide towards youth activism - with National Youth Congres financed by Hanns Seidel Foundation. (February – October 2018).

13. “First step toward Youth Local Action Plan” in collaboration with National Youth Congress and Durres Municipality (26 April 2018).

14.Summer Camp organized in collaboration with National Youth Congress and Durres Municipality (16-17 July 2018).

15. Mobility Week 2018, (17 – 22 September) in collaboration with Durres Municipality and other NGO in Durres under supervision of REC Albania in Tirana.

16. "Youth Festival" organized in collaboration with Durres Municipality, from October - December.

17. Conference: “Youth for a community, a new momentum for civic activism” organized by NYC and Hanns Seidel Stiftung – Awarded “Certificate of Appreciation – Youth 4 Solution” (October 2018).

18. 26 November on going offer psychosocial support for family and children, from 1-18 years,old that are stay at Hotel Bonita after the earthquake in Durres.



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