Invitation of Experts as panelists, challenging them with questions by our YOUTH
Dear Experts
in sports, or arts, or digital innovation
we invite you to participate to our panels of experts for answering questions of our Youth.
If you would like to help us in this initiation by your participation as a panelist to our discussion forums, please fill in the form.
Your name, identity and insitution or NGO you represent will be reffered to our program, accordingly, reffering to your major contribution for the success of the discussions process.
There is following the Draft Program of our Youth Conference
In the beginning, the Directors of ESAI EN ROI, are making a salutation to our Youth in french and english language
Our steering committee:
SVITAC, Bosnia Herzegovina
SYTEV, Slovakia
for participating as PANELIST/ EXPERT in our dialogue with Youth,
responding to requests, questions and queries.
1st Round Table
The first topic is favoured to Sports and digital transformation. Also, there is a special tribute to Sports as a therapeutic tool for disabled and disadvanted communities.
You can check the round table program and the special speakers by checking the image #02 to the right side >>>
The panel of Experts in the sector of Sports starts in 10:40 and lasts almost 20 minutes, answering questions of youth that will have been put between 22 Jan - 04 Feb 2024. Questions of Youth can be set even during the live meeting of experts (between 10:40-11:00 livestreaming).
2nd Round Table
The second topic is favoured to Arts and digital transformation. Also, there is a special tribute to the Arts as a therapeutic tool for disabled and disadvanted communities.
You can check the round table program and the special speakers by checking the image #03 to the left side <<<
The panel of Experts in the sector of Fine Arts starts in 11:40 and lasts almost 20 minutes, answering questions of youth that will have been put between 22 Jan - 04 Feb 2024. Questions of Youth can be set even during the live meeting of experts (between 11:40-12:00 live-streaming).
3rd Round Table
The third topic is favoured to Sports, Arts and social solidarity. Also, there is a special tribute to Youth Work in Bosnia Herzegovina as well as, the impact of such of activities to the career path of an individual.
You can check the round table program and the special speakers by checking the image #03 to the right side >>>
The panel of Experts in the sector of Social Solidarity through sportive and artistic actions starts in 12:40 and lasts almost 20 minutes, answering questions of youth that will have been put between 22 Jan - 04 Feb 2024. Questions of Youth can be set even during the live meeting of experts between 12:40-13:00 live-streaming).
4th Round Table
GREEN Sport. s - GREEN Arts and Eco REACTION
The fourth topic is favoured to GREEN-Sports, GREEN-Arts and Eco-Reaction. Also, there is a special tribute to the importance of keeping united and acting collectively as a community.
You can check the round table program and the special speakers by checking the image #04 to the left side <<<
The panel of Experts in the sector of GREEN-Sports, GREEN-Arts and Eco-Reaction starts in 13:20 and lasts almost 10 minutes, answering questions of youth that will have been put between 22 Jan - 04 Feb 2024. Questions of Youth can be set even during the live meeting of experts (between 13:20-13:30 livestreaming).