Tomorrow starts a maginificent 3-day tribute organized by our youth for our youth... from Walk Together Association and their affilicated local Vocational Education and Training School
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 852 2482 9229 Passcode: 077026 LIVESTREAMING @youthcouncil21 (facebook community)Day 1 22 JUNE 2022 YOUTH PSYCHOLOGY Program: 11:15-14:30 CET INTERNATIONAL EVENT

BULGARIAN Youth speaks about history and etymology of the nation, recognition, causes, development.
· Types and kinds of attachment from prenatal period to adolescence. Encounter with language and authority. First trust relationship. Separation and autonomy - fears, phobias, control.
· Basic and emotional care of the child, stages of development and primary signs of abnormal behavior. Parental reactions and actions. Recognition and mastery.
Parenting style and enforcing rules according to maturation stages. Identification of child behaviour traits - stubbornness, prattler, hyperactivity, attention deficit, control and frustration withholding. Analysis and adequate feedback of child behaviour.
INTERVIEWING THE EXPERTS 11:15 – 12:15 · Types and kinds of characterological features and their relationship to pathology. Control over the body, inhibitory mechanisms, the image in the mirror, prohibitions, transitional objects. · Commonalities and differences in antisocial, abnormal, unsocial, deviant and delinquent behaviour (in adolescents). Norm and deviance. Sublimation and child sexuality. Shame, taboo, mourning, abstinence. 12:30 – 13:30 · Mental and emotional suffering, neuroses, psychoses, rebellion, loss of authority, depression, oppression and self-isolation, self-alienation. · Domestic violence and its impact on a child's emotional status and emotional well-being. Mixed or reversed family roles - parentification, conflict of loyalties, PAS syndrome, latent parental inability, lack of initiative, apathy, sociopathy, anhedonism, alienation, lack of understanding skills. 13:45 – 14:30 · Pre-school and early school age deviations - social, cognitive and emotional changes. Norm and pathology. · Child psychotestology and definitions of pathological development and functioning. Self-esteem, self-image, self-control, reflection, self-reflection, resilience, effective communication. Distress, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attachment disorder, borderline disorders, psychopathy, suicide, incest, OCD, phobias, fears, blackmail, and controlling the parent through fear - manipulation. 14:30-15:00 Activity Evaluation by Coordinators || Self Reflection within Romanian Group YOUTHCOUNCI Day 3 Analysis of the Results of the Survey that can be found at:
12:00-13:50 CET REGIONAL YOUTH DIALOGUES 11:15 – 12:15 · The adolescent as substitute for the other parent - emotional confessor, sexual object, pathological dyad parent-child. 12:30 – 13:30 · Conformism, social adaptation, promiscuity, seeking positive feedback through negative experiences and situations. Inappropriate behaviour and widening the range of stimuli leading to illusory and short-lived pleasure. Dependencies - emotional and physiological - love, attachment at any cost, fear of loneliness, inability to control thoughts, compulsive ones. Eating disorders, as part of the refusal to live. Impersonality or excessive compulsiveness. 13:45 – 14:30 · Perspective and thoughts on maturity. Social experience and cause-effect relationships. Anomalous and toxic attachment. The object as a constant source of pleasure satisfying egoistic - narcissistic needs - "I need you to live". Obsessive behavior and control over the other through delusional actions and threats. Desire to punish authority with one's behavior, unwillingness to be like it. 14:30-15:00 Feedback from the International Youth Group; Conclusions - (International Activity: BA, BU, ES, FI, GR, HU, IT, LI, RO