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My welcome in Thessaloniki


Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Diana García Sáez, EER Volunteer

European Solidarity Corps KAIZEN Youth for Health

My welcome in Thessaloniki as a European Solidarity Corps volunteer.

On February 4th I landed in Thessaloniki (Greece) very excited for the next 11 weeks.

Here at Esai En Roi my main activity will be to involve people with disadvantages (lower income background, cultural minorities), to my project (empowering citizenship) and to include them to entertainment through sports and arts; participation to several public events of ecological content, learn more about first aids, self-management of diet and physical exercise, interaction with other peers for practicing their sociability skills and other familiar activities that support quality of life and promote healthy lifestyles.

Moreover, I started a training course about project management to better support us in the EER administration sector.

Nonetheless, I tried to get into the OLS system for learning English but failed, thus for the current time you work with other self-learning applications for English learning through youtube.

In other matters Chiara, the project volunteer these months ago, not only introduced me to international people, but also showed me the city. Furthermore, on the first Sunday we had dinner "Chiara's farewell party" and "Diana's welcome party", eating typical Greek food.

Every day I meet new people, try typical Thessaloniki food and visit beautiful places in the city. I am very happy with the decision made and I would recommend it to everyone.

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