Youth Workers' Register
EER youth workers accreditation system is consisted of four levels. The two are held within EER framework including asynchronous and synchronous trainings, exercises, essays, questionnaires and practical experience (leading a group of youth in a regular or occasional activity). Youth Workers certified in level I and II are listed below. The List of Certified Youth Workers in Level III & IV (international certification) can be found by pressing here

Level o1
Certified Youth Workers: Darlayianni ANASTASIA (1), Pandiora ELENI (2), Papadomanolaki ARTEMIS (3), Darlayianni EFSTATHIA (4), Gogou THEOPISTI (5), Bouzinou STYLIANI (6), Konstantinidou DOMNA (7) , Armenini ANNA (8), Lybiki CHRISTINA(9), Hatzivasileiou MYRIAM (10), Prodromidi ANTIGONI (11), Papadimitriou NIKOLAI (12)A, Voulgaroglou AGGELIKI (13), Rizou ELENA MARIA (14), Georgiou VASILEIA (15), Kouikoglou GEORGE (16)
Level o2
Certified Youth Workers
Konstantinidou DOMNA (1), Armenini ANNA (2), Hatzivasileiou MYRIAM (3), Papadimitriou Nikolaia (4), Rizou MARIA ELENA (5), Kouikoglou, GORGE (6), Prodromidi ANTIGONI (7), Voulgaroglou AGGELIKI (8)