Elisabetta Marinoni, EER Volunteer
European Solidarity Corps KAIZEN Youth for Health
I arrived in Salonicco on Friday 11,2021. When I arrived, I have to admit that I was a little bit worried because it was raining and the sky was producing rockets and really hard sounds. Fortunately, Eleni arrived right away at the airport and welcomed me with a huge smile. She came with Vassanty who was celebrating her birthday that same day.
I arrived at the flat to have a shower and get prepare for the dinner. Emilio stopped by before going out, so we had the occasion to meet each other. He was really Kind because he brought me food (I had not had any lunch, so it was essential). We went out to have dinner in a taverna next to my new flat. Since the colour of the mantels and the people who were having dinner there you could feel the Greek culture: so Mediterranean and explosive. I loved it.
We had dinner with Eleni, Paris, Emilio, Vassanty and four Friends of Vassanty. Before having dinner in a Greek tavern, I thought that Italian people eat a lot. I was definitely wrong! The food just never stopped coming, I think that we eat as it was the last day of the year! Finally, we also had a special dessert for Vassanty birthday: a pink cake full of hearts made of sugar.
I am really glad for the welcome I have received. Even if I didn’t know the people there, they were able to show me that they were really happy that I was there, and I think this is one of the most valuable and genuine things that a person needs when she/he is outside his/her country.