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Living Nature 2022 footprints

Writer's picture: Esai En RoiEsai En Roi

Anastasia Charitidou, EER Youth Worker

Erasmus+ Living Nature 2022

Living Nature 2022 Nature based activities for personal and professional development

Erasmus+ training course for youth and youth workers

Gudevitsa, Bulgaria

“What’s alive in you, now?” Those are the first words coming in my mind when thinking of my experience in “Living Nature”. And what an experience! It’s been two weeks of integration since it finished. It’s been two weeks I am back to the “everyday world”. (I initially wrote to the “real world” but honestly, world, life, existence, being were/felt much more “real” in nature, in Gudevitsa, at the top of Rhodope Mountain Peak.

The training course was based on the life work of Bill Plotkin, an eco-depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and agent of cultural evolution. “Nature-based map of the Human Psyche” which identifies and describes the four facets of indigenous human wholeness and “Nature-based Human development wheel” also called “Eco soul-centric developmental wheel” which is a model of human development that is both ecocentric and soulcentric — that is, a nature-based model that fully honors the deeply imaginative potentials of the human psyche.

This self- discovering, self-healing and self-development process was facilitated by two incredible caring and “present” guides: Lucie Klein from “Via Magus” and Ognian Gadoularov from “Learning for Change” our host organization in Bulgaria. Me, being there was enabled by the Greek Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace “Esai en Roi”, and I am grateful for their help!

20 people coming from 12 countries! We dedicated our focus, time and energy with bravery and curiosity to explore our woundedness and our wholeness. We recognized our behavioral partners and reconnected with our desires, fears, gifts, dreams, anger, grief, excitement. All of that, in Nature, with Nature, through Nature. We restored and strengthened our connection with Nature and ourselves. Life will eventually prove that for many of us there will be a before and after this experience.

So what’s alive in me now concerning the training?

- A deep gratitude for everyone, person or institution that played a part in this becoming a reality (Erasmus+ , Learning for Change, Via Magus, Esai En Roi, their people and my fellow travelers and explorers)

- A sense of awe for the wholeness of Bill Plotkins approach. Someone* said it eloquently “He lives in the creative universe articulated by quantum physics, indigenous traditions, and evolutionary cosmology”. An insightful, honest and caring approach of the human Psych and a deep respect to Nature and the Mystery.

- A tangible proof of my courage to dive deeper and deeper into ...well, everything.

- A sense of responsibility towards myself and my purpose. How to proceed from now on?

It wasn’t a journey I can easily put into words. But even if you are slightly intrigued, I have some good news: future versions of Living Nature are coming in the Autumn 2022! Places will be limited, stay tuned for dates and opening of application by leaving Via Magus your email address and by following Learning for Change. Love,


Anastasia – Priyamvada Charitidou Holistic Ensoulment and Embodiment Practices (for now only in Greek!)

* Brian Thomas Swimme


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