Ilektra Simonetatou - Christiadou, novice Youth Worker from GREECE, Training Course
Erasmus+ KA151 Social Community Theater 01-09 Jul -2023

In this article, I am going to present to you the activities of the project. On the first day, we got introduced to each other and to our topic. We contemplated together the meaning of each word of our topic. On the second day, we dug in a bit deeper in our topic and we talked about the skills of a facilitator of Social Community Theatre. In addition, we learned how to organize a social community theater workshop, and we played team-building games. Moreover, We did non-verbal communication exercises. Last but not least, we got introduced to the with not for methodology. On the third day, we focused on contact improvisation in pairs and in group and other trust- building activities such as non-verbal communication games. On the fourth day, we went on an adventure by having a mountain trip. It was the time to spend informal time together.We ended the day with a movie night. On the fifth day, we played games with the aim of enhancing our creativity by creating scenarios based on an image, we focused on learning how to express our emotions with clarity and intensity and we explored untranslatable words. On the sixth day, we continued playing games of improvisation to enhance our creativity and the trainers demonstrated an example of storytelling and intercultural dialogue by presenting to us the Giufa project. Last but not least, we attended a workshop where we were called to represent emotions in different ways and to create a story. On the seventh day, we started to reflect on how we can make use of the knowledge we got during the project and how we can make strategic partnerships. They gave us sufficient time to discuss that. On the eight day, we continued our workshop about intercultural dialogue and storytelling by identifying the word identity using the associations of the word and creating a mind map. Last but not least, during the last (9th) day we reflected on the whole experience together. To sum up, it was a unique and enriching experience which taught me how to connect with myself and others, how to be more creative, present in the moment and improved my problem-solving skills.