Elisabetta Marinoni, EER Volunteer
European Solidarity Corps KAIZEN Youth for Health
The summer has started in Thessaloniki and the weather has changed a lot in the past few weeks. The temperature now are around 35 degrees Celsius and doing the activities it’s becoming really hard. But never mind, we are fresh in our office developing great projects for the European youth community.
We are focusing on the planning of the roundtable whi
ch is going to take place in October at the Youth
Forum. This Will be a great occasion for our community to discuss about equal Opportunities of People with less opportunities profile and disabilities. We do not have a specific Schedule yet, but of course we are going to keep you updated!
Secondly, we are trying to make the most from the Karatasou Park. We know that is a long
Project which involves different people, but we are really confident that it Will be used soon as a public space for every type of activities for everybody.
… Stay tuned!