by Alina Belyaeva, Kazan, Russian Federation
EERco Volunteer, MACs AUTUMN Pr., EVS e+ | Alexandreia, GR
Black Swan Dance School (17.10.2018)
It was nice and interesting experience to work with Black Swan dance school children on the age 9-10 years old.
We started with musical greeting to know each names and introduce themselves.
I decided to learn tatar traditional mobile song “Kubalak gollerga kunsa” with girls. And also we tried it with the body percussion.
At the beginning we started just with clapping hands to understand the rhythm of a song and I was singing it live.
Then I asked girls to clap one by one in the circle while the song was going.
Hereupon we learned the rhythm by clapping in a different parts of body – that is body percussion. And they were very fast to understand it. I can say it’s very important for dancers to feel the rhythm and hear it in the melodies. And also it’s great when we use our body for that – we can feel it more.
After that we started to learn the lyrics and tried to sing one by one – each of them sang one word from the sentences by the circle.
And in the end we combined all of this with body percussion. It learns to coordinate the rhythm and melody by singing and clapping technique.
It was interesting. And that is very important to use live music in this kind activities.