We invite you to participate in a competition without moving away from your house, without changing smt in your daily life, without being influenced anything!
You just have to move your hands within the lyrics of your favorite music and track the moment with a smartphone for at least 15 seconds. You could also ask somebody to help you, or to participate with you.
There is only a precondition to limit the movement with the upper body, face experession and moving your arms softly, where the handie movement is the protagonist.
Using your one hand, both hands, many hands as a group, upper body like signing similarly with a sign language interpreteur that we use to see in TV news....
just that!
and then submit your video at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRfuKhfzHLs_hPU2Hcd1lvUdC7RtH8f1o1dCNZC1JVKqYn8w/viewform
and you earn a chance to be distinguished, or just to contribute to this new style of digital tik tok dance!
See below the steps, one by one, for guiding you to the process...
